Hong Kong Lounge
Monthly Archives: August 2014
Nuclear Waste Is Allowed Above Ground Indefinitely – NYTimes.com
As the country struggles to find a place to bury spent nuclear fuel, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has decided that nuclear waste from power plants can be stored above ground in containers that can be maintained and guarded indefinitely.
via Nuclear Waste Is Allowed Above Ground Indefinitely – NYTimes.com.
This is a tacit admission that geologic storage isn’t going to happen anytime soon. Many US operators have dragging their feet on moving spent fuel rods out of pools while waiting for Yucca Mountain to happen. This should clear the way for them to start moving it to dry casks which is strictly safer.
Really, the US should just build a fast-neutron reactor to burn the stuff up. Jimmy Carter’s anti-proliferation gambit didn’t work. He said we shouldn’t reprocess spent-fuel because it makes it harder for us to tell Iran not to. Unfortunately, France didn’t play along so we’re stuck with this terrible waste problem and Iran will get the bomb anyway.
xkcd: Writing Skills
La Scala Restaurant & Pizzeria
La Scala Restaurant & Pizzeria
Blue Point Brewing Company
Blue Point Brewing Company
Marie’s Crisis Cafe
Marie’s Crisis Cafe
A Journey Into The Mind of Watts
A Journey Into The Mind of Watts.
Pynchon writing in 1966 on the Watts Riots in LA.