Finland Works, Quietly, to Bury Its Nuclear Reactor Waste – The New York Times

A plan to build a repository in granite bedrock has progressed smoothly for years, in contrast to the United States’ experience with Yucca Mountain.

Source: Finland Works, Quietly, to Bury Its Nuclear Reactor Waste – The New York Times

In my fairly unqualified opinion, geologic storage is a terrible idea. The US should build a fast neutron/burner reactor to dispose of existing spent fuel sitting in pools at reactor sites across the country. Possible sites might include Idaho or Oak Ridge National Labs, or Savannah River Site in South Carolina. For all I know there are existing assets that could be repurposed for this.

If spent fuel reprocessing is undesirable in the long term due to geopolitical/non-proliferation concerns, we just shouldn’t have civilian nuclear power with a once-through fuel cycle.

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