Monthly Archives: October 2018
Instruction Sets Should Be Free: The Case For RISC-V
VICE: Christian Bale transforms into Dick Cheney
Year-round daylight saving time? More dark mornings is just one downside – Los Angeles Times
Californians will need to ponder important trade-offs before they vote on Proposition 7 in the November election.
Source: Year-round daylight saving time? More dark mornings is just one downside – Los Angeles Times
The Existential Void of the Pop-Up ‘Experience’ – The New York Times
Seeing the Light: Our Call for a Standard Self-Driving Car Language to Communicate Intent
Today, we’re calling on all self-driving vehicle developers, automakers and technology companies who are committed to deploying SAE level-4 vehicles — and believe these vehicles should communicate intent — to join us and share ideas to create an industry standard for communicating driving intent, whether it be driving, yielding or accelerating from a stop.
Source: Seeing the Light: Our Call for a Standard Self-Driving Car Language to Communicate Intent
United adding Dreamliner 787s on transcontinental flights – SFGate
Travelers who fly cost-to-coast between San Francisco, Los Angeles and Newark, New Jersey on United Airlines might find themselves on the carrier’s newest jet type starting in January 2019- the Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner.
Source: United adding Dreamliner 787s on transcontinental flights – SFGate
In particular, this will have the new international premium economy.
Monstrochrome, monochrome version of full frame RED Monstro, Has Been Announced
RED continues to be the only major manufacturer that releases monochrome versions of its products.
Source: Monstrochrome, the Monochrome Monstro We’ve Been Waiting For, Has Been Announced
Click through to the music video from director David Fincher and DP Matthew Libatique (shot several of Darren Aaronovsky’s features), however you feel about JT, it looks beautiful.