Monthly Archives: December 2018
New Life for Old Classics, as Their Copyrights Run Out
Yes, Big Platforms Could Change Their Business Models
The Great Texas Emu Bubble
at least one omg/wtf per paragraph
We Should Replace Facebook With Personal Websites
Personal websites and email can replace most of what people like about Facebook—namely the urge to post about their lives online.
Source: We Should Replace Facebook With Personal Websites – Motherboard
At least on GCP and AWS one instance of the smallest VM type is free. This wordpress site has been way lower maintenance than I expected. Web spammers apparently won’t even bother if comments are moderated.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Is True Art
The season’s best blockbuster isn’t a TV show or movie. It’s a video game.
Source: Opinion | Red Dead Redemption 2 Is True Art – The New York Times
California Requires New City Buses to Be Electric by 2029
Eggnog Taste Test: The Best Liquors For Spiking Your Holiday Drink | HuffPost Life
The best way to booze up the holidays.
Source: Eggnog Taste Test: The Best Liquors For Spiking Your Holiday Drink | HuffPost Life
The Allure of Vertical Forests
By incorporating trees and plant life in urban architecture, the trees both assist in absorbing carbon dioxide and in producing more oxygen.
Why we might want the school day to start later – The Verge
It could help economically disadvantaged students.
Source: Why we might want the school day to start later – The Verge