All posts by bucy

Don’t despair over Transbay Transit Center cracks: Fix how we do megaprojects –

We don’t know why the Transbay Transit Center broke yet, but it’s discouraging for those of us who care about the future of transportation and are so proud of this beautiful new station. The Bay Area has an enormous transportation deficit from decades of underinvestment, stretching back to the opening of BART in 1974. Simply put, we need to be capable of building new transportation infrastructure and having it work. We are proposing a possible solution. This isn’t about the cracks. There are bigger questions to face: If we think public agencies cannot deliver successful projects, we need to change those public agencies so they do. Throwing up our hands in despair is not the answer.

Source: Don’t despair over Transbay Transit Center cracks: Fix how we do megaprojects –


Seeing the Light: Our Call for a Standard Self-Driving Car Language to Communicate Intent

Today, we’re calling on all self-driving vehicle developers, automakers and technology companies who are committed to deploying SAE level-4 vehicles — and believe these vehicles should communicate intent — to join us and share ideas to create an industry standard for communicating driving intent, whether it be driving, yielding or accelerating from a stop.

Source: Seeing the Light: Our Call for a Standard Self-Driving Car Language to Communicate Intent