All posts by bucy

Linus Torvalds apologizes for years of being a jerk, takes time off to learn empathy | Ars Technica

And Linux has adopted a real code of conduct to replace its previous “code of conflict.”

Source: Linus Torvalds apologizes for years of being a jerk, takes time off to learn empathy | Ars Technica

This reminded me of the character Sean Probst in Neal Stephenson’s Seveneves who “in classic ‘get it done’ style, had hired a coach to make him less of an asshole.”

‘The Orb – No Sounds Are Out Of Bounds’ Out Now! – Cooking VinylCooking Vinyl

Alex Paterson’s longstanding electronic titans The Orb presented new album ‘No Sounds Are Out Of Bounds’, which as the title suggests finds them embracing an anything-goes new approach to creative freedom. Refreshing and reinventing the predominantly two-man set up with Thomas Fehlmann on the prior two albums (‘Moonbuilding 2703 AD’[…]

Source: ‘The Orb – No Sounds Are Out Of Bounds’ Out Now! – Cooking VinylCooking Vinyl