All posts by bucy

Mapping what it would take for a renaissance for nuclear energy | Ars Technica

One major issue that MIT does not take into account is the issue of spent nuclear fuel storage. “While these issues are universally considered barriers to the expansion of nuclear energy use, the political dimensions of finding solutions to waste disposal and managing proliferation risks far outweigh the technical challenges,” the report notes.

Source: Mapping what it would take for a renaissance for nuclear energy | Ars Technica

CNNC completes design of district heating reactor – World Nuclear News

The preliminary design of the Yanlong swimming pool-type low-temperature reactor for district heating has been completed, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced yesterday.

Source: CNNC completes design of district heating reactor – World Nuclear News

A reactor to heat water to heat buildings is much simpler since it runs everything at much lower temperatures and normal atomspheric pressure than if you want to make steam to spin a turbine to make electricity.

Offshore wind farms are planned for California — but the Navy says no to large sections of the coast

Fans of renewable energy anticipate a bonanza blowing off the coast of California. But a map released by the U.S. Navy puts large swaths of the state off limits to future offshore wind farms — including all of San Diego and Los Angeles, extending up to the Central Coast.

Source: Offshore wind farms are planned for California — but the Navy says no to large sections of the coast