All posts by bucy

After Apollo, NASA still searching for an encore

In an Apollo conversation with space historian Dr. Asif Siddiqi, the Fordham University professor went so far as to say that by going so far so quickly, the Apollo program might ultimately have done humankind a disservice—we got to the Moon in a stunning display of technical mastery and willpower, but the Apollo model falls apart without constant outside pressure. By letting us run before we knew how to walk, Apollo might have saddled the country and the world with a wildly unrealistic picture of what a functional, sustainable space program should look like.

Source: The Greatest Leap, part 6: After Apollo, NASA still searching for an encore | Ars Technica

I have said this before myself: the success of Apollo set back space exploration 50 years.

SF safe injection sites expected to be first in nation, open around July 1 – San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco is on track to open its first two safe injection sites this July, a milestone that will likely make the city the first in the country to embrace the controversial model of allowing drug users to shoot up under supervision. Other cities – including Seattle, Baltimore and Philadelphia – are talking about opening their own safe injection facilities, but San Francisco could get there first. Facilities already exist in Canada, Australia and Europe. Barbara Garcia, director of San Francisco’s Department of Public Health, said Monday that she’s tending to the details, including where the facilities will be located.

Source: SF safe injection sites expected to be first in nation, open around July 1 – San Francisco Chronicle

Sand Castles before the Tide? Affordable Housing in Expensive Cities

This article focuses on cities with unprecedented economic success and a seemingly permanent crisis of affordable housing. In the expensive cities, policymakers expend great amounts of energy trying to bring down housing costs with subsidies for affordable housing and sometimes with rent control. But these efforts are undermined by planning decisions that make housing for most people vastly more expensive than it has to be by restricting the supply of new units even in the face of growing demand.

Source: American Economic Association

Senators Wiener and Stern Announce Bill to Expand Conservatorships to Help Mentally Ill and Drug-Addicted People Dying on California’s Streets | Senator Scott Wiener

Sacramento –  Today, Senators Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Henry Stern (D-Canoga Park) announced a bill to expand conservatorships for California’s most vulnerable residents who cannot care for themselves and who are dying on our streets. 

Source: Senators Wiener and Stern Announce Bill to Expand Conservatorships to Help Mentally Ill and Drug-Addicted People Dying on California’s Streets | Senator Scott Wiener