The deal highlights the continued hot streak of artisanal coffee, whose rapid growth and fanatical customer base have continued to draw big business.
Source: Nestlé Targets High-End Coffee by Taking Majority Stake in Blue Bottle – The New York Times
The deal highlights the continued hot streak of artisanal coffee, whose rapid growth and fanatical customer base have continued to draw big business.
Source: Nestlé Targets High-End Coffee by Taking Majority Stake in Blue Bottle – The New York Times
Caught between rampant development and NIMBYism.
Banana House
A century ago, factory workers went on strike to demand better conditions. Today, start-up “hustlers” celebrate their own exploitation.
Source: In Silicon Valley, Working 9 to 5 Is for Losers – The New York Times
Sacramento – Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) offered the following statement after the California State Supreme Court ruled today in the Cannabis Coalition v City of Upland that voter-initiated tax measures can be passed by a simple majority, and no longer require a 2/3 vote:
The first thorium research project in 45 years has kicked off in the Netherlands with the goal of making thorium work in a molten salt reactor
Source: Thorium could power the next generation of nuclear reactors | New Scientist
Kamado Sushi