The Fish Hopper
All posts by bucy
The Peculiar Ascent of Bill Murray to Secular Saint – The New York Times
The recent proliferation of T-shirts, posters, murals and memes suggests that the man who had his first fame decades ago has become an icon.
Source: The Peculiar Ascent of Bill Murray to Secular Saint – The New York Times
How Luxury Apartments Become Affordable Homes – CityLab
Build expensive apartments now, and wait a few decades.
Source: How Luxury Apartments Become Affordable Homes – CityLab
The Congressional Map Has A Record-Setting Bias Against Democrats | FiveThirtyEight
And it’s not just 2018.
Source: The Congressional Map Has A Record-Setting Bias Against Democrats | FiveThirtyEight
What’s Next for Progressives? – The New York Times
The case for prioritizing children, not single-payer.
Helmet Shmelmet: Why It’s OK To Ride A Bike Without One: Gothamist
Setbacks put affluent Moraga in fiscal straits – San Francisco Chronicle
The two minor disasters in the last 16 months have turned the town of 17,000 people into a symbol of the legacy of Proposition 13, the voter-approved state law that limits property taxes — and town revenue.
Source: Setbacks put affluent Moraga in fiscal straits – San Francisco Chronicle
The Law of Leaky Abstractions – Joel on Software
All non-trivial abstractions, to some degree, are leaky.
Conway’s law – Wikipedia
organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.
Source: Conway’s law – Wikipedia
A License to Build | SPUR
Meanwhile, observers in Seattle routinely cite San Francisco as a cautionary tale. One Seattle council member memorably referred to the “San Francisco death spiral” to describe how high housing costs feed a cycle of anxieties about growth, demands for fees, exactions and regulations on new development, and in turn further cost increases.
Source: A License to Build | SPUR