All posts by bucy

SFS Friday

Juraj Valčuha conductor

Steven Stucky Jeu de timbres (2003)

Bartók The Miraculous Mandarin, op. 19 (1919)
San Francisco Symphony Chorus

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3, op. 30 (1909)
Garrick Ohlsson piano

Today’s Brainwave

Was reading an article about a new car that has an atkinson cycle engine. NASA invented this thing called the Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator to be a more efficient way to power deep space probes. As I was reading about this engine cycle, it occured to me: if your end goal is electric power, why not dispense with the entire crankcase and let the pistons drive a linear alternator directly a la the ASRG. Since at least 10 other people have previously conceived of every idea you ever will, it turns out this is a thing: the free-piston engine.