The Myth That EVs Aren’t Cost Competitive Is Highly Misleading, & Harmful

The New York Times has published an article stating that EVs aren’t for everyone unless they get cheaper. I agree with this. However, the outlet seems to be missing the story. They are already much, much cheaper than they were five years ago, and they keep getting cheaper. The article neglected to mention this and […]

Source: The Myth That EVs Aren’t Cost Competitive Is Highly Misleading, & Harmful | CleanTechnica

Sales of Fossil-Fuel Vehicles Have Already Peaked, Bloomberg Predicts

Note: Max Holland explained in 2019 here on CleanTechnica that global fossil fuel vehicle sales probably peaked in 2017. The new analysis below shows the same. Originally posted on EVANNEX. by Charles Morris Amid much hoopla, the Big Three US automakers recently joined President Biden to announce that they would kind of like 40% of the […]

Source: Sales of Fossil-Fuel Vehicles Have Already Peaked, Bloomberg Predicts | CleanTechnica

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